How to clean the MBR and partition table of a USB flash drive to resolve the problem of the WUDT reporting “We were unable to copy your files.”
VMware Workstation returns an “Internal error” when powering on a virtual machine
Reinstalling VMware Workstation 7 resolved a strange “Internal error” when powering on a virtual machine.
Typing special characters using the Alt key
How to use keyboard shortcuts to enter special characters, like the British Pound symbol.
What is this Joomla exploit doing on my WordPress site?
When strange URLs began appearing in the pagination links on Ardamis, I decided to investigate.
I am twelve
I want one of these wickedly awesome Rally Fighter cars by Local Motors.
Argh! Google, why are your badges different sizes?
Want to use an official Google+ button along side an official Google +1 button? Sure, as long as you don’t care if they’re the same size.
Some great SEO articles worth sharing
A collection of articles that I found particularly interesting, mostly dealing with SEO or site design and development.
What is built with?
Get some insight into what web technologies a site is using with
Troubleshooting printing problems with HP UPD and PJL
A series of troubleshooting steps for identifying and correcting the cause of HP Universal Print Driver print job defects where the output from the printer consists of pages of PJL codes.
How to set the Num Lock state at logon
The Windows registry settings to set the state of the Num Lock key before or after logon.