Silent Installation of Intel Drivers with MUP.XML

While packaging a few Intel drivers (video driver, USB 3.0, chipset, management engine components, etc.) for our HP laptops, I noticed that each of the driver downloads contained a file named “mup.xml”. This file contains, among other things, information about valid command line switches for the setup.exe installer.

A snippet of the mup.xml file for our video driver is below. Some valid command line switches (which I haven’t fully tested) that appear within the file are:

/v = extract drivers (providing a double-quote encapsulated path is optional)
/s = unattended (silent install)
/? = help
/overwrite = force (install over previous installation)
/report = change the log file location from the default (C:\Intel) by providing double-quote encapsulated path

It seems that using a dash/hyphen in place of the forward slash is also acceptable. Ex.: /silent or -silent are both valid.

The mup.xml file also contains information on non-zero exit codes that may be returned by the installer. So far, I’ve encountered exit code 14, REBOOT_REQUIRED, a few times.

    <behavior name="freshinstall">
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false">s</optionvalue>
    <!--Driver Only Package, Installer Doesn't need to support
    <behavior name="driveronly">
         <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false"></optionvalue>
      <behavior name="applicationonly">
         <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false"></optionvalue>
    <behavior name="extractdrivers">
          <containervalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false" valuedelimiter=" " enclose="&quot;">v</containervalue>
          <optionvalue switch="" requiresvalue="true" valuedelimiter="=" enclose="\&quot;">ExtractDrivers</optionvalue>
    <behavior name="attended" />
    <behavior name="help">
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false">?</optionvalue>
    <behavior name="unattended">
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false">s</optionvalue>
      <!-- The DUP will Restart the system
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false">b</optionvalue>
    <parametermapping name="force">
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="false">overwrite</optionvalue>
    <parametermapping name="logfile">
        <optionvalue switch="/" requiresvalue="true" valuedelimiter=" " enclose="&quot;">report</optionvalue>
    <returncodemapping name="REBOOTING_SYSTEM">
    <returncodemapping name="PASSWORD_REQUIRED">
    <returncodemapping name="NO_DOWNGRADE">
      <!--Always able to DownGrade, Installer Doesn't need to support-->
    <returncodemapping name="REBOOT_UPDATE_PENDING">
      <!--Installer only Reboots Once, Installer Doesn't need to support-->
    <returncodemapping name="DEP_SOFT_ERROR">
    <returncodemapping name="DEP_HARD_ERROR">
    <returncodemapping name="SUCCESS">
    <returncodemapping name="ERROR">
    <returncodemapping name="REBOOT_REQUIRED">
    <returncodemapping name="ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED">
    <returncodemapping name="UNKNOWN_OPTION">
    <returncodemapping name="ERROR">
    <returncodemapping name="ERROR">
    <returncodemapping name="ERROR">

So far, I’ve had good luck with the command: setup.exe /s /overwrite.