I’m stoked. Emails for the second round of Halo 3 beta invitations were sent today and somehow I made it in. I was pretty pissed when I woke up late on the 5th and found the server at http://halo3.com/ clogged with people trying to get in. I mashed F5 for about 8 minutes anyway and filled out the little form, but had already given up hope. I’ll see you guys this spring.
Here’s the gist of the email:

Congratulations ardamis,
You were one of the first 13,333 gamers to meet the “Rule of Three” program eligibility requirements. As a result, you have been selected to participate in the Halo® 3 beta.
In order to participate, you must have access to:
- An Xbox 360™ Pro console or Xbox 360 Core console with hard drive
- A valid Xbox Live® Gold subscription
Keep an eye on your inbox, we will be sending more information about this opportunity soon.